CMT spinning Anita Spring - STILL A CHILD
Anita Spring, CMT, Still a child.jpg

Okay, I'm pinching myself (really hard). Monday the 19th Oct, it's all happening! Watch the music video for STILL A CHILD on Country Music Television (CMT) Australia New Music Show and on CMT Australia Homegrown Show. Thank you CMT Australia, you've been so incredibly supportive of me and my music, I can't thank you enough!

Love, Anita xoxoxo

Anita Hardy
TCN (Nashville) USA spinning new song by Anita Spring STILL A CHILD
Anita Spring, TCN.jpg

I'm thrilled to announce that The Country Network (TCN Nashville) will be airing the music video across the USA twice a day all next week! For my Aussie friends and family, you can watch it online too HERE (times below). I cannot tell you how awesome it makes me feel, to see and hear my songs across amazing networks like TCN! I'm stoked beyond words, thank you TCN SO MUCH, you've made me so incredibly happy!!! Please tune in to this amazing network and watch the world's hottest country music and my little video will be part of that for a whole week!!!! STOKED!!!!

The Country Network
Mon 10/19/2020 8:38am (11:38PM)
Mon 10/19/2020 2:24pm Tue 19/10/2020 (5:24AM)
Tue 10/20/2020 9:06am Wed 21/10/2020 (12:06AM)
Tue 10/20/2020 4:27pm Wed 21/10/2020 (7:27 AM)
Wed 10/21/2020 7:16am (10:16PM)
Wed 10/21/2020 1:04pm Thu 22/10/2020 (4:04AM)
Thu 10/22/2020 12:04pm Fri 23/10/2020 (3:04AM)
Thu 10/22/2020 5:41pm Fri 23/10/2020 (8:41AM)
Fri 10/23/2020 6:35am Fri 23/10/2020 (09:35PM)
Fri 10/23/2020 3:35pm Sat 24/10/2020 (6:35AM)

#itsyourcountry #thecountrynetwork #tcncountry #tcn #seemoremusic #ontherise #countrymusic #anitaspring #stillachild
Love, Anita xoxoxox

Anita Hardy

NEW MUSIC - STILL A CHILD, dropping Oct 12...🙂 Follow me on Spotify for my latest releases:

"Still a Child is another hybrid country-pop track yet one that spreads its stylistic wings to incorporate more pop and even a dash of light rock. And once again Anita is exploring the terrain of relationships, this time, with herself. ‘Gotta pack my bag, gotta leave before the dawn’, she sings in the opening line. Now, what could be the hurry? There are answers in the second verse: ‘Make my own rules, be myself the way I choose….like I was young’. Hence the urgency. This is about control and, more specifically, control of one’s own life. Unlike This Ain’t Pretty, where Anita was up against the seemingly immovable obstacle of another person’s very unsympathetic behaviour and actions, Still a Child delves within and, making the most of a moment of self-reflection, decides upon transcendence. Albeit, metaphorically. Transcendence has to start somewhere." BMA Magazine, Canberra

Anita Hardy
CMT playing This ain't pretty by Anita Spring
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I couldn’t be more ecstatic about this, CMT will air This ain’t pretty on their NEW Country Show and ALSO on their Homegrown Country Show, I’m once again…speechless!

Thave been moments along this music journey that have almost stopped me from releasing music. My stories are about real events in my life or of events that have happened to people whom I love. I’m sure we can all sympathise, it’s unnerving at the best of times. Nerves aside, This ain’t pretty was released. This song has had it’s own path, it’s message unnerving however, it’s content is so relevant in our current climate, unfortunately.

Sending everyone enormous amounts of love…Love, Anita xx…Love, Anita xx

Anita Hardy