NEW MUSIC - STILL A CHILD, dropping Oct 12...🙂 Follow me on Spotify for my latest releases:

"Still a Child is another hybrid country-pop track yet one that spreads its stylistic wings to incorporate more pop and even a dash of light rock. And once again Anita is exploring the terrain of relationships, this time, with herself. ‘Gotta pack my bag, gotta leave before the dawn’, she sings in the opening line. Now, what could be the hurry? There are answers in the second verse: ‘Make my own rules, be myself the way I choose….like I was young’. Hence the urgency. This is about control and, more specifically, control of one’s own life. Unlike This Ain’t Pretty, where Anita was up against the seemingly immovable obstacle of another person’s very unsympathetic behaviour and actions, Still a Child delves within and, making the most of a moment of self-reflection, decides upon transcendence. Albeit, metaphorically. Transcendence has to start somewhere." BMA Magazine, Canberra

Anita Hardy